

  • Use k8s 1.17.0: minikube start -p aged --kubernetes-version=v1.17.0

    • current version line 1.18.x does not work (at the moment)

    • when you want to start k8s again you have to provide this command again - with version number

    • maybe delete all k8s before: minikube delete --all - maybe with --purge

  • follow this guide to install istio: SeldonIO/seldon-core

    • let’s use version 1.5 like the guide sais

    • %%curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.5.0 TARGET_ARCH=x86_64 sh - %%

    • add export PATH="$PATH:/home/mike/bin/istio-1.5.0/bin" to .bashrc

    • istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo

  • install the rest

    • checkout seldon-core from git: SeldonIO/seldon-core

    • change to directory examples/auth

    • follow the rest of the guide: SeldonIO/seldon-core

    • Uninstall: helm uninstall seldon-core --namespace seldon-system

Using and Testing with Python#